Security Guard Contract Template

A detailed list of services to be provided by the contractor should be provided in a separate document and attached to this agreement as a reference of what services have been agreed upon.

Contract #: (number)

This Security Guard Agreement, hereinafter known as this "Agreement," (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between [Sender.Company] , a (describe nature of business, i.e., an automotive manufacturing corporation) hereinafter known as "Company," acting by and through its Company Representative, Mr/Ms. [Sender.FirstName] ​ [Sender.LastName] and [Partner.FirstName] ​ [Partner.LastName] / [Partner.Company] , hereinafter known as "Contractor," effective for all purposes upon execution by the Company.

Now, therefore, this Agreement is entered into by Contractor and Company who agree as follows:

1. Services

Contractor will provide Security Guard services in full accordance with the document Exhibit A – Scope of Services, which is attached hereto this Agreement and made a part hereof by reference, along with such additional or amended services the Parties may agree to in writing.

2. Term

This Agreement is for a term of (number) hours/days/months/years, commencing on the date signed by the Company Representative. The term includes an option to extend for up to (number) additional (number) hours/days/months/years periods subject to the approval of the Contractor and the Company.

The agreed-upon payment rate should be formally agreed upon before signing a contract and a document specifying the agreed-upon rate should be attached as another exhibit.

3. Service rates

The Services shall be provided at the rates set out in Exhibit B – Service Rates attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.

4. Payment

Payment terms are net 30 days after the services are completed, or goods are provided, as required, or a correct invoice is received, whichever is later.

It’s critically important for legal and tax purposes that the nature of the relationship between both parties, i.e., independent contractor, employee, etc., be spelled out and understood clearly by everyone so that there are no questions surrounding benefits, tax payments, etc.

5. Contract administrator

The Company's contract administrator is responsible for approval of all phases of operations and performance under this Agreement, including deductions for non-performance and authorizations for payment.

All of the Contractor’s notices and communications regarding this Agreement must be directed to the Contract Administrator unless indicated otherwise in this Agreement.

6. Independent contractor

Contractor shall perform the Services hereunder as an independent contractor and deliver such Services in its own method and manner, and under no circumstances will any agent, employee, or representative of the Contractor be considered an employee of the Company.

This Agreement will not be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship between the parties.

7. Insurance

Contractor shall, at its own expense, keep in force at all times for the duration of this Agreement (types of insurance, i.e., public liability, property damage, and personal injury) insurance with a combined single limit of (dollar amount of coverage).

Before Services can begin under this Agreement, the Contractor’s insurance company must deliver a Certificate of Insurance (or whatever specific insurance is required for this position) as proof of the required insurance coverages to the Contract Administrator.

Additionally, the certificate must state that the Company's Risk Manager will be given at least thirty (30) days’ notice of cancellation, material change in the coverages, or intent not to renew any of the policies.

The Company must be named as an additional insured. The Company's Legal Attorney must be given copies of all applicable insurance policies within 15 days of the Company's written request to Contractor.