1. Request authorization for the approval of the Minutes of July 12, 2018 Meeting. 2. Request authorization to schedule a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 5:30 p.m., or at a date and time determined by the Director, to consider the Seventh Amendment to the Master plan for Planned Development Area No. 87 and the second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan for the Office Buildings/Sports Project both within the Planned Development Area No. 87 for Boston Landing located on Guest Street in Brighton.
3. Board of Appeal4. Request authorization to execute a consultant services contract with NBBJ LP to assist in the preparation of the Downtown Planning Study, in an amount not to exceed $600,000.00.
5. Request authorization to execute, ratify and confirm a Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Boston Department of Public Works Fleet Maintenance Unit, in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00.
6. Request authorization to extend the Tentative Designation of and lease negotiations with East Boston Community Development Corporation as Redeveloper for the redevelopment and use of the BRA-owned land located at 148-172 Condor Street in East Boston. 7. Request authorization to award Final Designation to Millennium Partners, as Redeveloper of 115 Federal Street also known as 115 Winthrop Square located in Boston’s Financial District; and, to adopt a Confirmatory Order of Taking.
8. Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion to SCD L2 Seaport Square LLC for the Seaport Square Block L-2 Project located at 121 Seaport Boulevard in the South Boston Waterfront. 9. Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion to VLR-Roxbury LLC for the 99 Rivermoor Street Project in West Roxbury. 10. Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion to 130 Northern Avenue LLC for the Pier 4 Phase II Project located at 200 Pier Four Boulevard in the South Boston Waterfront.
Charlestown Navy Yard 11. Request authorization to execute an Affordable Housing Rental Housing Agreement and Restriction in connection with the redevelopment of Building 58 (the Ropewalk Building) and Building 60 (the Tar Shed/House) in the Historic Monument Area of the Charlestown Navy Yard on a portion of Parcel NY-1; and, to take all related actions. South Boston 12. Request authorization to adopt a Demonstration Project Plan under M.G.L. c. 121B. Section 46(f), as amended, for the acquisition and disposition as described herein of certain public air and subterranean rights located at 87-93 West Broadway also known as 79-89 West Broadway; to petition the City of Boston Public Improvements Commission for the vertical discontinuance of the Taking Areas; to execute Orders of Taking for the acquisition of the Taking Areas; and to execute a deed and any and all necessary documents for the conveyance of said Taking Areas. 13. Request the authorization to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80, Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code in connection with the Notice of Project Change for the removal of a floor, removal of a rear addition, removal of 1,300 square feet of deck space, relocation of a 1,070 square feet of a roof deck to the front of the building, reduction of 18,000 square feet of commercial space and a 5,900 square feet floor reduction located at 69 A Street; and, to take all related actions. East Boston 14. Request the authorization to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80, Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code for the construction of 12 residential units, including 2 IDP units, with 10 off street parking spaces located at 211 Condor Street within the 187-191 and 211 Condor Street Project; and, to take all related actions. 15. Request authorization to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement for the 14 on-site IDP units located at 125 Sumner Street. Longwood Medical Area 16. Request authorization to approve the Harvard Longwood Institutional Master Plan Notification Form for Renewal of the Harvard Longwood Institutional Master Plan pursuant to Section 80D-5.2(e); Section 80D-6 and Section 80D-8 of the Zoning Code; and to take all related actions. Brighton 17. Request authorization to issue a Scoping Determination waiving the requirement of further review pursuant to Article 80, Large Project Review for the construction of 151 condominium units, including 24 IDP units, 201 off street parking spaces located at 40 Mount Hood Road; and, to take all related actions. 18. Request authorization to extend the Tentative Designation of UHOMES LLC/Urbanica as Redeveloper of 90 Antwerp Street in Brighton; to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80, Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code for the construction of 20 residential units, including 12 IDP units, with 20 parking spaces located at 90 Antwerp Street; to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement; and, to take all related actions. 19. Request authorization to issue a Determination waiving further review pursuant to Article 80, Section 80A-6.2 of the Zoning Code in connection with the Notice of Project Change for the Sports Facility Project within Planned Development Area No. 87. Boston Landing for the additional uses added to the Sports Facility Project by the Fifth Amendment to the Master Plan for PDA No. 87, and the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan for the Sports Facility Project within PDA No. 87; to execute a Certification of Compliance; and, to take all related actions. Allston 20. Request the authorization to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80, Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code for the construction of 46 condominium units, including 6 IDP units, with 42 off street parking space located at 30 Penniman Road; to recommend approval to the Board of Appeal for the necessary zoning relief with the provisio that the plans be submitted to the BPDA; and, to take all related actions. Fenway 21. Request authorization to adopt a First Amendment to the Report and Decision on the 252-258 Huntington Avenue Chapter 121A Project, which involves approval of the updated financing and ownership structure of the Project by QMG Huntington Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts limited partnership, and approval of related matters. Jamaica Plain 22. Request authorization to issue a Determination pursuant to Section 80A-6 of the Zoning Code in connection with the Second Notice of Project Change for Phase B of the Parcel U development which will contain 30 homeownership units, including 4 IDP units; and, to take all related actions. Dorchester 23. Request the authorization to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80, Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code to increase the affordable units to 21 units located at 233 Hancock Street; to enter into a Community Benefits Contribution Agreement; and, to take all related actions. 24. Request authorization to adopt the Fourth Report and Decision Amendment to the Fieldstone Apartments Chapter 121A Project, which involves the refinancing of the project; and, approval of all related matters. Roxbury 25. Request authorization to approve execute a Certificate of Project Termination for the Gardner Apartments Chapter 121A Project with a termination date of December 27, 2014.
Charlestown 26. Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion of Parcel R-97 located at 305 Main Street/2-2B Franklin Street Project in accordance with the Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement. 27. Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion of Parcel R-48-1B located at 51-55 Sullivan Street in accordance with the Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement for Lot A; to issue a Certificate of Completion of Parcel R-48-1B located at 51-55 Sullivan Street in accordance with the Land Disposition Agreement for Lot B; to issue a Certificate of Completion of Parcel R-48-1B located at 51-55 Sullivan Street in accordance with the Land Disposition Agreement for Lot C.
28. Request authorization to issue an Adequacy Determination pursuant to Section 80D-5.4(c) of the Zoning Code approving the Emerson College Sixth Institutional Master Plan Amendment to add 171-172 Tremont Street and for a three year extension; to petition the Zoning Commission for approval of the Sixth IMP Amendment and associated map amendment; to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Section 80E-6 of the Zoning Code for the interior renovations for support services including a cultural, health services, counseling centers, meeting space and spiritual center located at 171-172 Tremont Street; to execute said Project as a Development Impact Project Agreement in connection with the 171-172 Tremont Street renovation; and, to take all related actions. 29. Request authorization to approve the Development Plan for Planned Development Area No. 119, Exchange South End Redevelopment; to petition the Zoning Commission for approval of said PDA No. 119 and associated map amendment, adding the designation “D”, indicating a Planned Development Area Overlay district; to issue a Preliminary Adequacy Determination waiving further review pursuant to Article 80B-5.4(c)(iv) of the Zoning Code for a phased construction of four buildings (Buildings A, B, C and D), consisting of approximately 1,599,425 square feet of mixed-use office space, commercial and/or life science research space, 22,430 square feet of ground floor retail space and 30,000 square feet of civic space, a 1+ acre central publicly accessible open space; and 1,145 below ground parking spaces located at Albany Street, Biosquare Drive and Frontage Road; to approve the Exchange South End Project as a Development Impact Project; to execute an Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement in connection with Parcel 48B of the South End Urban Renewal Area; and, to take all related actions. 30. Request authorization to approve the Sixth Amendment to the Master Plan for Planned Development Area No. 87, Boston Landing and the First Amendment to the Development Plan for the Residential Project at 125 Guest Street Project within Planned Development Area No. 87 for Boston Landing, Brighton; to petition the Zoning Commission for approval of said Sixth Amendment and First Amendment; to issue a Determination waiving further review pursuant to Section 80A-6 of the Zoning Code in connection with the Residential Project at 125 Guest Street to allow Cultural, Banking, Beauty/Barber Shop, Spa, Local Retail and Take-Out Restaurant Uses; to execute an Amended and Restated Affordable Rental Agreement; to issue a Partial Certificate of Completion to Boston Landing, LLC for the PDA No. 87 - Boston Landing residential development located at 125 Guest Street in Brighton; and, to take all related actions.