Good Example Of Statment Of Purpose For Phd Personal Statement

I have always wanted to work closely with people in an intellectually stimulating environment, and, to my mind, a career, of a Microbiologist is one of the best ways to achieve this.
My interest in Microbiology started at a very young age and continued to be my greatest passion for years. When I was studying for my undergraduate degree in Botany and Microbiology in 2007 at King Saud University (Riyadh), I had an intensive training in the Medical Microbiology laboratories at National Guards and King Saud Hospitals in Saudi Arabia. During the training, I gained a lot of valuable experiences, learned scores of techniques of performing diagnoses for bacterial pathogens. As a matter of fact, the desire to study microbiology grew as I started to know more about the field while working as a trainee. At that point, I have already understood that I was on the right path, which will lead me to success.
My commitment to advance in Microbiology and become a researcher was reinforced when I started studying for Masters degree in Biology, at Laurentian University, focusing on drug delivery system. Years spent at the University have been very productive for me, as I took part in a great number of Biology and Biochemistry seminars that filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge. I have also completed a couple of literary projects that involved works on Biochemistry and Microbiology.
The purpose of this letter is to show my deep interest in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Microbiology. Getting a Ph.D. is my short-term goal, which I find to be an end in itself. In my opinion, Ph.D. is the needed stepping stone in the career of every researcher, and that is the reason I am willing to get it. My academic goal is to achieve the best educational qualifications in order to enhance my efficiency in the workplace. My career goal is to be a Microbiologist with an organization that offers responsibility and challenging tasks, utilizing extensive experience and skills in laboratory techniques to become a researcher in my field.
I sincerely believe that pursuing the Ph.D. will facilitate my short- and long-term goals. I want a wide variety of experiences in order to enhance my skills, so more people could benefit from my knowledge and capabilities. The main goal, I hope to achieve while attending a Ph.D. program, is to stay current on education, to become a competent microbiologist. Gained knowledge will give me the confidence, and ability to diminish any possible professional blunders. By completing this objective, I will increase my efficiency as a prosperous researcher. In the future I am planning on working in the molecular field, and undertake studies, from which my country could benefit. I have a clear understanding that I will have to work even harder to achieve all the goals of mine, but I am ready to devote myself to studying and serving people.
Thank you for considering my candidacy. I sincerely hope that my big potential and eagerness to study will help me to become a valuable asset of any organization in which I might work. My curriculum vitae and application are enclosed for your review. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.


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Good Example Of Statment Of Purpose For Phd Personal Statement. Free Essay Examples - Published Mar 28, 2020. Accessed September 12, 2024.

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