These lessons, with videos, examples, and solutions, help Grade 7 students learn how to recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.
Share this page to Google ClassroomB. Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions of proportional relationships.
Common Core: 7.RP.2b
Suggested Learning Targets
The following diagram shows what is meant by the constant of proportionality. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on how to determine the constant of proportionality.
Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) (Common Core 7.RP.2b)
In this lesson you will learn
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Analyze proportional relationships and use them to resolve real-world and mathematical problems.
Unit Rate Task (CCSS Math 7.RP.2b)
This video covers a task in which students are asked to find a constant of proportionality and use it as a unit rate to find the solution. This task aligns with CCSS Math 7.RP.2b: Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions of proportional relationships.
The 4 tables represent the distance traveled by 4 objects and the time each took to travel that distance. Using a constant of proportionality or a unit rate, list the objects in order from fastest to slowest.
Constant of Proportionality (7th Grade Math)
What is the constant of proportionality?
The constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y; usually written y = kx where k is factor of proportionality.
How can we find the constant of proportionality?
A constant of proportionality does not include units.
How to use constant of proportionality to solve word problems?
Example of constant of proportionality word problem
David is making his own strawberry yogurt. In David’s mixture, the number of strawberries is proportional to the amount of milk, in cups. David uses 4 cups of milk for every 14 strawberries in his mixture. Which equation represents the relationship between s, the number of strawberries, and m, the number of cups of milk he uses?
How to find the Constant of Proportionality in a Table
Find the constant (k) in a directly proportional relationship is nearly identical to finding unit rate. Simple division/simplifying will get the job done.
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