Human bingo template high school

(You can edit the files to customize for your specific student population!)

FREE Back to School ice-breaker bingo activity to help students get to know their classmates.

You can use this handout with:

There are 3 versions in the zipped file:

Things to know:

These “Getting to Know You” BINGO questions in the WELCOME BACK to IN-PERSON LEARNING focus on:

Remember, you can edit the files for your specific needs!

Here are some other resources you might enjoy:

What is Human Bingo, Icebreaker Bingo or Get to Know You Bingo (free PDF)?

Human Bingo is the perfect “get to know you” ice breaker activity to get a new group of people talking.

A series of 24 or 25 questions on a Bingo Card format gives people an excuse to talk to each other in a safe “game” atmosphere. (The center square is often reserved for the person’s own name.)

Participants need to find a person who has done the questions written on the bingo card.

Human Bingo goes by a lot of names including

… you get the idea.

Possible Questions for Get to know you Bingo (FREE pdf)

Typical ice breaker bingo questions include things like:

Other Get to Know You Bingo questions can be a little silly to spark creative conversations. (Psst, here’s a lesson plan to help develop creativity.)

How to Play Get to Know You Icebreaker Bingo

Once you find someone who has done the question in a bingo square, you ask the other person their name and record it in the box.

PRO TIP: If you ask the other person to write their name down, you don’t have to worry about spelling it incorrectly.

Bingo is yelled out when someone finds 5 people who can complete a line, column, or diagonal on the human bingo handout.

Since the point of the game is to get new people to know each other, most teachers and workshop facilitators will have the group continue until the entire bingo card is filled. (Blackout bingo).

Depending on time constraints, the teacher or the workshop leader may have people take up some of the human bingo questions. It’s a great way to find out new things about people in your class or group.

“Find Someone Who” ice breaker bingo activity is good for both teachers and for corporate training.

Whether you’re looking for a quick Human Bingo for Students PDF or Human Bingo questions for work, this post is for you!

Lots of teachers, principals, and even corporate managers have used a human bingo graphic organizer as an icebreaker and a quick way to get new groups of people interacting with each other.

The basic idea is to meet your classmates and learn something about them.

For example, find someone who likes to sing. Find someone who can dance. Find someone who stayed at home this summer vacation. Find someone who left the city this summer vacation

You get the idea. The fantastic thing about this lesson is that you can modify it for any grade.

But the Human Bingo / Get to Know You icebreaker can be more than simply an icebreaker to use at the start of the school year.

You can also use it as a verbal communication mini-lesson.

FREE Back to School Activity: Human Bingo (Communication Mini-Lesson) TABLE OF CONTENTS